
Posted by Brade on May 11, 2022

disruptor 启动流程

本文中 disruptor 使用的版本为 3.4. 具体可以查看 Github .

1 关于 disruptor

  • 英国外汇交易公司LMAX开发的一个高性能的异步处理队列, 研发的初衷是解决内存队列的延迟问题(在性能测试中发现竟然与I/O操作处于同样的数量级).
  • 单线程能支撑每秒600万订单, 2010年在QCon演讲后,获得了业界关注. 2011年,企业应用软件专家Martin Fowler专门撰写长文介绍.同年它还获得了Oracle官方的Duke大奖.
  • Apache Storm, Camel, Log4j2 在内的很多知名项目都应用了 Disruptor .

2 disruptor 的优雅设计,解决队列速度慢的问题

  • ArrayBlockingQueue: 基于数组形式的队列,通过加锁的方式,来保证多线程情况下数据的安全;
  • LinkedBlockingQueue: 基于链表形式的队列,也通过加锁的方式,来保证多线程情况下数据的安全;
  • ConcurrentLinkedQueue: 基于链表形式的队列,通过CAS的方式;
  • Disruptor:
    • 环形数组结构: 为了避免垃圾回收,采用数组而非链表. 同时,数组对处理器的缓存机制更加友好.
    • 元素位置定位: 数组长度2^n,通过位运算,加快定位的速度. 下标采取递增的形式,不用担心index溢出的问题. index是long类型,即使100万QPS的处理速度,也需要30万年才能用完。
    • 无锁设计: 每个生产者或者消费者线程,会先申请可以操作的元素在数组中的位置,申请到之后,直接在该位置写入或者读取数据.

3 测试用例

public class DisruptorTest {

    private final static AtomicLong eventCount = new AtomicLong();

     * 1个生产者生产10条数据,5个消费者每个独立消费10次,然后再5个消费者共同消费10次
     * @param args
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        EventFactory<StringEvent> eventFactory = StringEvent::new;

        Disruptor<StringEvent> disruptor = new Disruptor<>(eventFactory, 16, Executors.defaultThreadFactory(), ProducerType.SINGLE, new BlockingWaitStrategy());

        // 调用事件

        // 获取缓存队列环
        RingBuffer<StringEvent> ringBuffer = disruptor.getRingBuffer();

        // 生产者发布数据
        String data[] = new String[10];
        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
            data[i - 1] = "data: " + i + "";

        disruptor.publishEvents((event, sequence, d) -> event.setValue(d), data);

        // disruptor.shutdown();

     * 消费者消费数据(独立消费)
     * @param count
     * @return
    private static EventHandler<StringEvent>[] buildEventHandle(int count) {

        EventHandler<StringEvent>[] handlers = new EventHandler[count];
        // 消费者
        Consumer<StringEvent> consumer = s -> printData(s, "general");

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // 事件处理器
            EventHandler<StringEvent> eventHandler = (event, sequence, endOfBatch) -> {
                // 这里延时100ms,模拟消费事件的逻辑的耗时
            handlers[i] = eventHandler;

        return handlers;

     * 消费者消费数据(共享消费)
     * @param count
     * @return
    private static WorkHandler<StringEvent>[] buildWorkEventHandle(int count) {

        WorkHandler<StringEvent>[] handlers = new WorkHandler[count];
        // 消费者
        Consumer<StringEvent> consumer = s -> printData(s, "workders");

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // 事件处理器
            WorkHandler<StringEvent> eventHandler = (event) -> {
                // 这里延时100ms,模拟消费事件的逻辑的耗时
            handlers[i] = eventHandler;

        return handlers;

     * 输出数据
     * @param s
     * @param consumerType
    private static void printData(StringEvent s, String consumerType) {
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": data is consumed by " + consumerType + " [" + eventCount.incrementAndGet() + "] -->" + s.getValue());

     * 事件对象
    public static class StringEvent {

        private String value;

        public String getValue() {
            return value;

        public StringEvent setValue(String value) {
            this.value = value;
            return this;

4 启动流程解析

  1. 创建事件
    • 一般指数据对象,比如上面用例中的StringEvent,或者订单,通知等
  2. 创建 Disruptor 实例
    • 构造方法:
      * Create a new Disruptor.
      * @param eventFactory   the factory to create events in the ring buffer.
      * @param ringBufferSize the size of the ring buffer, must be power of 2.
      * @param threadFactory  a {@link ThreadFactory} to create threads for processors.
      * @param producerType   the claim strategy to use for the ring buffer.
      * @param waitStrategy   the wait strategy to use for the ring buffer.
     public Disruptor(
             final EventFactory<T> eventFactory,
             final int ringBufferSize,
             final ThreadFactory threadFactory,
             final ProducerType producerType,
             final WaitStrategy waitStrategy)
             RingBuffer.create(producerType, eventFactory, ringBufferSize, waitStrategy),
             new BasicExecutor(threadFactory));
    • 环形队列:
      * Create a new Ring Buffer with the specified producer type (SINGLE or MULTI)
      * @param <E> Class of the event stored in the ring buffer.
      * @param producerType producer type to use {@link ProducerType}.
      * @param factory      used to create events within the ring buffer.
      * @param bufferSize   number of elements to create within the ring buffer.
      * @param waitStrategy used to determine how to wait for new elements to become available.
      * @return a constructed ring buffer.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if bufferSize is less than 1 or not a power of 2
     public static <E> RingBuffer<E> create(
         ProducerType producerType,
         EventFactory<E> factory,
         int bufferSize,
         WaitStrategy waitStrategy)
         switch (producerType)
             case SINGLE:
                 return createSingleProducer(factory, bufferSize, waitStrategy);
             case MULTI:
                 return createMultiProducer(factory, bufferSize, waitStrategy);
                 throw new IllegalStateException(producerType.toString());
      * 创建单生产者的环形队列
      * Create a new single producer RingBuffer with the specified wait strategy.
      * @param <E> Class of the event stored in the ring buffer.
      * @param factory      used to create the events within the ring buffer.
      * @param bufferSize   number of elements to create within the ring buffer.
      * @param waitStrategy used to determine how to wait for new elements to become available.
      * @return a constructed ring buffer.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if bufferSize is less than 1 or not a power of 2
      * @see SingleProducerSequencer
     public static <E> RingBuffer<E> createSingleProducer(
         EventFactory<E> factory,
         int bufferSize,
         WaitStrategy waitStrategy)
         SingleProducerSequencer sequencer = new SingleProducerSequencer(bufferSize, waitStrategy);
         return new RingBuffer<E>(factory, sequencer);
      * 创建多生产者的环形队列
      * Create a new multiple producer RingBuffer with the specified wait strategy.
      * @param <E> Class of the event stored in the ring buffer.
      * @param factory      used to create the events within the ring buffer.
      * @param bufferSize   number of elements to create within the ring buffer.
      * @param waitStrategy used to determine how to wait for new elements to become available.
      * @return a constructed ring buffer.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if bufferSize is less than 1 or not a power of 2
      * @see MultiProducerSequencer
     public static <E> RingBuffer<E> createMultiProducer(
         EventFactory<E> factory,
         int bufferSize,
         WaitStrategy waitStrategy)
         MultiProducerSequencer sequencer = new MultiProducerSequencer(bufferSize, waitStrategy);
         return new RingBuffer<E>(factory, sequencer);
        abstract class RingBufferFields<E> extends RingBufferPad {
        private static final int BUFFER_PAD;
        private static final long REF_ARRAY_BASE;
        private static final int REF_ELEMENT_SHIFT;
        private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = Util.getUnsafe();
        static {
            // 返回数组中一个元素占用的大小
            final int scale = UNSAFE.arrayIndexScale(Object[].class);
            if (4 == scale) {
                REF_ELEMENT_SHIFT = 2;
            } else if (8 == scale) {
                REF_ELEMENT_SHIFT = 3;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown pointer size");
            // 缓存填充,填充前后
            BUFFER_PAD = 128 / scale;
            // Including the buffer pad in the array base offset
            // UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(Object[].class): 获取数组第一个元素的偏移地址,即 16
            // 64 位的 JVM 数组类型的基础偏移都是 16,原始类型的基础偏移都是 12 (测试结果在不同 JVM 下可能会有所区别)
            // REF_ARRAY_BASE = 128 + 16 = 144
            // 定位数组中每个元素在内存中的位置:增量为4,向左左移2位相当于 * 4,即 32 * 4 = 128 位运算提高速度
            REF_ARRAY_BASE = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(Object[].class) + (BUFFER_PAD << REF_ELEMENT_SHIFT);
        private final long indexMask;
        private final Object[] entries;
        protected final int bufferSize;
        protected final Sequencer sequencer;
                EventFactory<E> eventFactory,
                Sequencer sequencer) {
            this.sequencer = sequencer;
            this.bufferSize = sequencer.getBufferSize();
            if (bufferSize < 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferSize must not be less than 1");
            // bufferSize 必须是 2 的幂
            if (Integer.bitCount(bufferSize) != 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferSize must be a power of 2");
            this.indexMask = bufferSize - 1;
            // 初始化数组并指定长度: BUFFER_PAD(32) * 2 + 16 = 80
            // BUFFER_PAD为数组填充大小,避免数组的有效元素出现伪共享
            // 数组的前X个元素会出现伪共享和后X个元素可能会出现伪共享,可能和无关数据加载到同一个缓存行
            // 额外创建2个填充空间的大小,首尾填充,避免数组的有效载荷和其它成员加载到同一缓存行
            this.entries = new Object[sequencer.getBufferSize() + 2 * BUFFER_PAD];
         * 填充数组元素:从下标为32开始
         * @param eventFactory
        private void fill(EventFactory<E> eventFactory) {
            for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
                // BUFFER_PAD+i为真正的数组索引:32+i
                entries[BUFFER_PAD + i] = eventFactory.newInstance();
         * 从数组 entries 中获取 序列 sequence 对应的元素值
         * @param sequence
         * @return
        protected final E elementAt(long sequence) {
            // REF_ARRAY_BASE(获取数组第一个元素的偏移地址) + (sequence & indexMask) << REF_ELEMENT_SHIFT)(序列对应在数组中的偏移量)
            // REF_ARRAY_BASE: 144
            // 144 + (0/1/2 左移 2 位,相当于*4),即144 +(0/4/8/12)
            // bufferSize 必须2的幂
            return (E) UNSAFE.getObject(entries, REF_ARRAY_BASE + ((sequence & indexMask) << REF_ELEMENT_SHIFT));
  3. 指定事件消费者
    • 独立事件消费者
      * <p>Set up event handlers to handle events from the ring buffer. These handlers will process events
      * as soon as they become available, in parallel.</p>
      * <p>This method can be used as the start of a chain. For example if the handler <code>A</code> must
      * process events before handler <code>B</code>:</p>
      * <pre><code>dw.handleEventsWith(A).then(B);</code></pre>
      * <p>This call is additive, but generally should only be called once when setting up the Disruptor instance</p>
      * @param handlers the event handlers that will process events.
      * @return a {@link EventHandlerGroup} that can be used to chain dependencies.
     public final EventHandlerGroup<T> handleEventsWith(final EventHandler<? super T>... handlers)
         return createEventProcessors(new Sequence[0], handlers);
     EventHandlerGroup<T> createEventProcessors(
         final Sequence[] barrierSequences,
         final EventHandler<? super T>[] eventHandlers)
         final Sequence[] processorSequences = new Sequence[eventHandlers.length];
         final SequenceBarrier barrier = ringBuffer.newBarrier(barrierSequences);
         for (int i = 0, eventHandlersLength = eventHandlers.length; i < eventHandlersLength; i++)
             final EventHandler<? super T> eventHandler = eventHandlers[i];
             final BatchEventProcessor<T> batchEventProcessor =
                 new BatchEventProcessor<>(ringBuffer, barrier, eventHandler);
             if (exceptionHandler != null)
             // 将 batchEventProcessor (独立消费者批量处理器)存储
             consumerRepository.add(batchEventProcessor, eventHandler, barrier);
             processorSequences[i] = batchEventProcessor.getSequence();
         updateGatingSequencesForNextInChain(barrierSequences, processorSequences);
         return new EventHandlerGroup<>(this, consumerRepository, processorSequences);
    • 共享事件消费者
      * Set up a {@link WorkerPool} to distribute an event to one of a pool of work handler threads.
      * Each event will only be processed by one of the work handlers.
      * The Disruptor will automatically start this processors when {@link #start()} is called.
      * @param workHandlers the work handlers that will process events.
      * @return a {@link EventHandlerGroup} that can be used to chain dependencies.
     public final EventHandlerGroup<T> handleEventsWithWorkerPool(final WorkHandler<T>... workHandlers)
         return createWorkerPool(new Sequence[0], workHandlers);
     EventHandlerGroup<T> createWorkerPool(
         final Sequence[] barrierSequences, final WorkHandler<? super T>[] workHandlers)
         final SequenceBarrier sequenceBarrier = ringBuffer.newBarrier(barrierSequences);
         final WorkerPool<T> workerPool = new WorkerPool<>(ringBuffer, sequenceBarrier, exceptionHandler, workHandlers);
         // 将 workerPool (共享消费者池)存储
         consumerRepository.add(workerPool, sequenceBarrier);
         final Sequence[] workerSequences = workerPool.getWorkerSequences();
         updateGatingSequencesForNextInChain(barrierSequences, workerSequences);
         return new EventHandlerGroup<>(this, consumerRepository, workerSequences);
      * 更新链中下一个的门控序列
      * @param barrierSequences
      * @param processorSequences
     private void updateGatingSequencesForNextInChain(final Sequence[] barrierSequences, final Sequence[] processorSequences)
         if (processorSequences.length > 0)
             // 将消费者的 sequences 传给 ringBuffer
             for (final Sequence barrierSequence : barrierSequences)
  4. 启动消费者

    • 启动方法:
      * <p>Starts the event processors and returns the fully configured ring buffer.</p>
      * <p>The ring buffer is set up to prevent overwriting any entry that is yet to
      * be processed by the slowest event processor.</p>
      * <p>This method must only be called once after all event processors have been added.</p>
      * @return the configured ring buffer.
     public RingBuffer<T> start()
         // 检查是否只启动了一次
         for (final ConsumerInfo consumerInfo : consumerRepository)
             // 根据 consumerRepository.add() 方法中存储的类型 batchEventProcessor/workerPool 进行执行
             // 使用独立线程执行
         return ringBuffer;
    • BatchEventProcessor
     public void run()
         if (running.compareAndSet(IDLE, RUNNING))
                 if (running.get() == RUNNING)
             // This is a little bit of guess work.  The running state could of changed to HALTED by
             // this point.  However, Java does not have compareAndExchange which is the only way
             // to get it exactly correct.
             if (running.get() == RUNNING)
                 throw new IllegalStateException("Thread is already running");
     private void processEvents()
         T event = null;
         long nextSequence = sequence.get() + 1L;
         while (true)
                 final long availableSequence = sequenceBarrier.waitFor(nextSequence);
                 if (batchStartAware != null)
                     batchStartAware.onBatchStart(availableSequence - nextSequence + 1);
                 while (nextSequence <= availableSequence)
                     event = dataProvider.get(nextSequence);
                     eventHandler.onEvent(event, nextSequence, nextSequence == availableSequence);
             catch (final TimeoutException e)
             catch (final AlertException ex)
                 if (running.get() != RUNNING)
             catch (final Throwable ex)
                 handleEventException(ex, nextSequence, event);
    • WorkProcessor
     public void run()
         if (!running.compareAndSet(false, true))
             throw new IllegalStateException("Thread is already running");
         boolean processedSequence = true;
         long cachedAvailableSequence = Long.MIN_VALUE;
         long nextSequence = sequence.get();
         T event = null;
         while (true)
                 // if previous sequence was processed - fetch the next sequence and set
                 // that we have successfully processed the previous sequence
                 // typically, this will be true
                 // this prevents the sequence getting too far forward if an exception
                 // is thrown from the WorkHandler
                 if (processedSequence)
                     processedSequence = false;
                         nextSequence = workSequence.get() + 1L;
                         sequence.set(nextSequence - 1L);
                     while (!workSequence.compareAndSet(nextSequence - 1L, nextSequence));
                 if (cachedAvailableSequence >= nextSequence)
                     event = ringBuffer.get(nextSequence);
                     processedSequence = true;
                     cachedAvailableSequence = sequenceBarrier.waitFor(nextSequence);
             catch (final TimeoutException e)
             catch (final AlertException ex)
                 if (!running.get())
             catch (final Throwable ex)
                 // handle, mark as processed, unless the exception handler threw an exception
                 exceptionHandler.handleEventException(ex, nextSequence, event);
                 processedSequence = true;